

Venice all day yesterday. My friends and I went to see the 54th International Art Exhibition of the Venice Biennale which left us quite cold even though the weather was hot as hell. We haven't however saw everything because we ran out of time and the A+A gallery where my former sculpture professor Mirko Bratuša represents our country was unfortunately already closed by the time we found it. Nevertheless we had a wonderful time but today all I can do is  rest (we were on our feet most of the day). Art is hard (.!?) :)

3 komentarji:

  1. Ma, ob kateri uri si slikala Benetke, da je tako malo ljudi???????

  2. :)
    Je bla ubistvu ful gužva... samo prva je slikana
    zjutraj, zadnja (mislim na tiste z ljudmi) pa je
    okoli sedmih zvečer... drugače pa je blo po
    uličicah ful nagužvano... :)

  3. .o škoda d niste ujel - pa sj to lohk še enkrat probamo skup :)
